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庞然 Ran Pang

庞然 Ran Pang

庞然,2004年生于中国天津,现在美国学习,就读于罗德岛设计学院。近期,他的作 品从回忆中取材,包括他自己和整体文化的记忆。庞然创作的兴趣在于对绘画过程与材料 的结合,探索材料的特性与其所呈现的视觉效果。他的实践借鉴了西方艺术史,并且受到了 中国文化的影响,将松烟墨和宣纸等东方媒介融入到富有动态、多彩的抽象绘画中。在过 去的五年里,庞然的可食用雕塑吸引了行业的广泛关注,在国内外曝光。他使用糖和巧克力 等食材创作精致优美的雕塑造型,重塑观者对这些生活中常见材料的认知。他对于材料运 用与艺术表达的探索使他蝉联了三届位于英国国家展览中心的国际比赛冠军。

Ran Pang, born in 2004 in Tianjin, China, is now studying in the United States at Rhode Island School of Design. His recent works draw on memories, both his own and those of the culture at large. Ran's creative interest lies in combining the painting process and material, exploring the materiality and the particular visual effects it presents. His practice references Western art history and is influenced by Chinese culture, incorporating Eastern media such as pine soot ink and Xuan paper into dynamic, colorful abstract paintings. In the past five years, Ran Pang's edible sculptures have attracted wide attention and been exposed both nationally and internationally. He uses ingredients such as sugar and chocolate to create exquisite sculptural forms that reshape the viewer's perception of these common materials. His exploration of the use of materials and artistic expression has led him to win three international competitions consecutively at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in the UK.



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